Friday, May 1, 2009


sometimes i really REALLY cannot stand some of the people that claim to be a part of christ's church and to "know him." for the love of god just let go of this incessant need you feel to be a part of god's moral hygiene committee. you don't know shit. god does not have or need a moral hygiene committee. you are an idiot. maybe when you stop seeing "sinners" as a project or a potential recruit, you'll be able to see them for what they are. people. that's all god saw. jesus didn't see a "project" when he looked at humanity. he saw people. that he loved. so maybe when you let go of your pretentious bullshit attitude about saving the world from immoral people and actions, you'll experience some of the same love that god actually has for us. the love you claim to know. which you don't. i just smoked half a pack of cigarettes because i'm so worked up. fuck.

jesus, i'm so glad you have so much more love than i do. i don't know why it's easier for me to love the people who don't claim to follow you than the people who do. well, actually i do know. i'm glad you're there to love all of them. because i have a lot of trouble with it. please teach me. and calm me down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like this.