Sunday, May 10, 2009


escape is the new serenity.
we're all just suffering from the fallout anyway.
this is all nothing but a game of probability.
and we all have no stake in it.

resplendance was just never quite ours for the taking.
or was it?
we've seen so much thrown down into this watery grave.
and yet we sit here.
skimming the surface.
growing stagnant and becoming one with the stench.
it's permeation grows more and more complete with every day.

and still we will sit. and wait.
and sit and wait and sit and wait.
for some sign of rescue in this garbage chute.
and the days just wander aimlessly by.

how will we pass them?
will we let this ride out the rest of our miserable days?

there is hope.
cling to it.
like you depend solely on it, and nothing else.

because you do, dear friend.

you do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have two months of free time and no one to hang out with - Call me :)