Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Misery rides high tonight.
And everything else skins just below the radar.
This is, in essence, the finer absolution of everything we have come to call home.
And yet I feel no remorse.
I will shed no tears on this solitary evening.
For respite was just never quite ours to begin with.
This rest for which we so aimlessly pine.
We were never destined for it, were we?
Fitting I suppose.
I should have expected as much.
Why would I be able to enjoy my days?
That would give me far too much value in the human sort of sense.
And we can't have that, now, can we?

This is eating away at my eye sockets.
I am slowly disintegrating from the man that I am to the man I simply was.
And now I am a shell.
A hollow being.
Not quite meant for this life.
Or any other for that matter.

I am a machine.
I exist in name only.
I am not really here.
At times I wonder if I ever was.

Slowly, ever so slowly, but with carefully exponentiating grace.

I dissolve.

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