it's so nice to be able to sit at home. i've been out on the road for work the last two weeks straight, and since i'm pretty much out on the road by myself when i travel, it gets kind of lonely. so it was wonderful to come home to a nice clean house with my roommates last night and just relax. unfortunately i got no time off in between my travels. i was back at the offices downtown today cleaning up everything from the last trip. on the bright side, i hit 40 hours for the week at 1 o'clock today, so everything past that and for the rest of the week is overtime. scooore. i finally get to go back to youth group tonight and hang out with my boys, which i am soooo excited for. i still can't believe they're seniors and they'll be graduating here in just a few short months! ahh!! i've been with them since they were sophomores. i don't know what i'll do when i don't have revolution to go to on tuesday nights anymore. what will i do with my life? craziness.
i think my new resolution at the moment is to spend way waaay less time watching tv and movies. i made a pact not to watch any tv at my hotel all last week, which i was successful in. and it was so awesome. i got to get out and take pictures, catch up on a bunch of reading, and spend some good old fashioned time with god, which i have been really quite terrible at doing lately. i don't want to cut tv out of my life by any means. i think the office and prison break are two of the only things that keep me sane. but it's so easy to come home and flip on the tv and just zone out, when there's so many productive things to be done. i've forgotten that somehow over the last year or so. but not anymore, get ready to not get watched super expensive gigantic hdtv. maybe i'll even sell you and get a crappy tv so i have even less motivation to watch you. (just so you know, i'm sitting in the same room with the tv, i'm talking to it, i'm just also typing what i'm saying. yes, i have imaginary conversations with inanimate objects. frequently. get over it.)
that's pretty much it for now. nothing terribly intense today. my mind is numb after sitting in the office doing paperwork all day. i hate the office and i hate paperwork. i'm excited to get back out and hit the rtd project again tomorrow. i'm off to do laundry and clean my room and do all the stuff i should have done last night but was too tired to. end transmission.
p.s. i am sooo in love with this album right now. i forgot about it for a while and rediscovered it while i was in florida. sooooo good. listen to "fly low carrion crow" in particular. that song blows my mind. if you don't have this album do yourself a favor and go pick it up.

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