Wednesday, January 27, 2010

RIP Howard Zinn

howard zinn passed away today. and with him i think maybe a little piece of the hope i still have for this country did as well. if you don't know him, howard zinn was a historian who saw american history not through the eyes of it's leaders or victories, but through the eyes of slaves, farmers, workers, teachers, bus drivers and the average people who make up this country. two of his most famous works were "a people's history of the united states" and "you can't be neutral on a moving train." i recommend you check them out, maybe you'll rethink a thing or two you hadn't in the past. as thomas jefferson said, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism." howard zinn was truly a great patriot, historian, and man, and his commentary will be surely missed. rest in peace mr. zinn.

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