Tuesday, October 13, 2009

it's crazy

how god can provide sometimes. especially if you just trust him. i really don't know where i'd be without him right now. pursuing your dreams can be hard. very hard. especially when you have nights like i did on saturday, when i found out there was $6 in my checking account. yes, 6. but god is good. he provides for my needs. i do have more than that in my account now, just in case you were wondering. this whole chasing after what i want thing is really scary, especially the financial aspect, but god is always providing. always giving me new avenues. i have a lot of exciting things in the works right now. working on finalizing some big shoots (not necessarily money wise, but contact wise at least), i'm actually in the process of starting a new band, i believe we're set to record this coming weekend. so who knows, maybe i'll actually get to head back out on tour some time soon. that would be neat. all in all, i just wanted to write something to attest to god's overall goodness in my life. even when it's dark, and it seems like i'm not doing the right thing, or what i want to do won't work out, god shows up out of nowhere and gives me what i need. i'm still alive. still breathing. there's still food in my fridge. my heat is on. i may be living meagerly at the moment, but i'm still living. and there's a lot to be said purely in that fact. i'm happy right now. i love living life in a manner which would scare the crap out of most people, and to be honest, a lot of days it scares me, but i'm right where i want to be, and i wouldn't trade that for anything.

love your life.

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