Thursday, June 11, 2009


Life is feeling pretty legit these days. At least for now. Certain people are unquestionably out of my life. People that needed to be out of my life. That's a phenomenal feeling. I've been back in the word lately, which is awesome. I don't know how I let myself get on such bad lapses where I'm not in it for so long. But I finally made myself go pick up a chronological bible and I've been tearing through that. It's such a refreshing way to read. Reading about david's struggles and then being able to read the psalms he wrote during those times of trouble directly after, it just puts things in good perspective. I like it a lot. I've also just been having a lot of fun lately. Weddings, dancing, golf, making mario party into a drinking game, developing crushes (weird), volcano taco's (substitute beans for beef). Haha. Everyone always tells me my blogs are so negative and they make me seem like I'm super bummed out all the time (which I'm not), so here's a nice posi one for y'all. I dig life currently. So suck on that.


Anonymous said...

Hip-Hip good for you Marcus :)

Mama said...

Volcano tacos? Gutsy. I'd like to read more posts like this.